Thank you for your interest in participating in the 2025-26 Aspen-AASCU Transfer Student Success Intensive!

What is the Transfer Intensive?
The Transfer Intensive is a one-year initiative consisting of monthly virtual sessions and consulting hours designed to support partnerships between community colleges and American Association of State Colleges and Universities (AASCU) members. The workshop series will provide practical support aimed at advancing practices associated with improved transfer student success. The program is free for all participants, thanks to the generous support of Ascendium.

Teams are composed of one AASCU four-year institution and a partner community college. There will be 10 teams selected for participation in the 2025-26 Transfer Intensive (Cohort 4). For more information on our alumni from Cohorts 1-3, please see the Aspen Institute College Excellence Program's website.
What is the impact of the Transfer Intensive?
Since its establishment in 2021, the Transfer Intensive has reached:
  • 91 colleges and 3 state systems in 23 states
  • 33 minority-serving institutions (15 HSIs, 1 PBI, 1 AANAPISI)
  • 1,132,492 undergraduate students served annually
  • 16,000+ transfer students served annually
What is the timeline for Cohort 4?

Interested AASCU four-year institutions and community colleges should jointly fill out and upload all required documents as a team by 11:59 p.m. (Pacific time) Tuesday, October 15, 2024. Selected teams will be notified no later than Monday, November 18, 2024. The launch event is scheduled for February 6, 2025 from 2:00 - 4:30pm EST. See the complete calendar of events here.
What does the application require?

Completion of this survey; sections include:
  1. The names, titles, and contact information of the designated participants from each institution. You can see a full list of the roles and responsibilities of team members here.
  2. National Student Clearinghouse data release form for each institution.
  3. Questionnaire on your partner institutions’ demographics.
  4. Questionnaire on your institution’s transfer student community and resources.
  5. A short description (250 words maximum) of the state of your transfer partnership between the community college and four-year institution.
  6. For each institution (both community college and four-year), you will need to submit short description (250 words maximum) explaining a major initiative that had a substantial impact on student success (especially for historically underserved groups). What made this impact possible? What did you learn that you would apply to the Transfer Intensive?
Additionally, we require:
  1. A statement of support from the president of the four-year institution (see template here).
  2. A statement of support from the community college’s president (see template here).
These completed letters will need to be emailed separately to Kate Hamilton, Senior Program Manager at the Aspen Institute's College Excellence Program by the September 16 deadline.
How should I complete the application?
  • The survey will take ~20-30 minutes to complete in one sitting (not including the additional letters of presidential support).
  • Please complete this application together with the lead contact from your transfer partner institution. We recommend that you identify one of you to enter the survey responses in one sitting.
  • You can preview a full version of the survey here.

We hope you will consider participating in the 2025-26 Aspen-AASCU Transfer Student Success Intensive. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to Kate Hamilton, Senior Program Manager of the Transfer Intensive, at
9% of survey complete.